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Срочно! Подскажите, что есть BA?

Добавлено: 08 сен 2005, 10:12
Получил письмо с назначением телефонного интервью.
With a team of highly knowledgeable J2EE and .Net experts, our team provides the strategic IT solutions to our clients.
We came across your resume on Monster.ca, and would like to talk to you for a full time═BA position with us.

Что значит BA ? Bachelor или какой нибудь аналист? В письме нет слов programmer, developer, analyst. Не хотелось бы на интервью глупость брякнуть если попросят сказать что-нибудь о BA.

Добавлено: 08 сен 2005, 10:29
:arrow: BA - Business Analyst

Business Analysts are responsible for identifying the business needs of their clients and stakeholders to help determine solutions to business problems.

The Business Analyst is responsible for requirements development and requirements management. Specifically, the Business Analyst elicits, analyzes, validates and documents business, organizational and/or operational requirements. Solutions are not predetermined by the Business Analyst, but are driven solely by the requirements of the business. Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement or organizational change.

The Business Analyst is a key facilitator within an organization, acting as a bridge between the client, stakeholders and the solution team

Добавлено: 08 сен 2005, 10:34
Ну я и дубина! Зациклился на bachelor и не подумал о Business Analyst!
