The Homepage Of William Christopher Holley

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The Homepage Of William Christopher Holley

Сообщение Циник »

Присаживайтесь поудобнее, товарищи, по крайней мере те, кто умеет читать по-английски.
Крепче держитесь за ручки и спинки кресел.
На пол желательно, конечно, постелить что-нибудь мягкое, чтоб не оббить себе невзначай всё, что можно, впоследствии по нему катаясь.

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The Homepage Of William Christopher Holley AAS EET; BAS AMT; AS CIM; AA FAM; 147 IQ

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Review of The Homepage Of William Christopher Holley AAS EET; BAS AMT; AS CIM; AA FAM; 147 IQ

Избранные места:

Вильям Кристофер Холли о своем интеллекте
I do have a Very Superior I.Q. ("Very Superior" is an official term for 140 IQ and above; as per Encyclopedia Birtanica, "genius" is 140 IQ and above)
My Boss said that we (3 of us) did great work, and he receieved complements about us, but due to the assignment being extended then suddenly ending May 14th, and with the current schedualling, they do not have any assignment for me now (I had been schedualled to go back to my previous South Highlands assignment).
Вильям Кристофер Холли в поисках любви
I am a vegetarian vegan, but I do date non-vegetarian women (gladly), as most vegetarian women date (or marry) non-vegetarian men...
men like myself would prefer a long term relationship, but the women I meet prefer brief encounters, or to be honest, most women I meet seek a man with more income, I only pull $14K, but have potential for more, with a fine education and a high IQ
Вильям Кристофер Холли размышляет о сексе
Sex should be had at all times of the month, sex should be had frequently, the more often, the better.
Вильям Кристофер Холли о пчелах
When you eat Honey, bees can smell it thru the pours of your skin, or when youve been eating bad stuff, they smell that too...
Some people in Las Vegas find some Bee's and want to Exterminate them
А теперь, товарищи, слушаем рок-музыку Вильяма Кристофера Холли!

Портрет гения:
William Christopher Holley AAS EET; BAS AMT; AS CIM; AA FAM; 147 IQ писал(а):Изображение
P.S. Oгромное спасибо кухонному товарищу Флэшлайту за невольную ссылку :twisted:

P.P.S. A вы как считаете, товарищи, это стёб тонкий или чистая правда?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 442
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2003, 17:17

Письмо Вильяма Кристофера Холли Джорджу Дабъя Бушу.

Сообщение Циник »

Это просто пир духа, товарищи: :twisted:
Mon, Aug 19, 2002, 8:12pm
To: President Bush Jr.
Re: Long Term Problems with the Middle East & Proper Solutions
Dear President Bush:
Oppression/Suppression of the Basic Instincts (termed the "ID" by Psychologists, the instincts to drink water, eat food, body elimination, sex & reproduction), causes Psychological Problems. After having taken a College Psychology course in Human Sexuality (Saddleback College, Mission Viejo CA, Professor Ferguson), and having many books on it (including the Penguin Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior by Judith MacKay, Sex for Dummies by Dr Ruth Westheimer, and Encyclopedia of Sex by Westheimer (who is in favor of legal prostitution, especially since the outbreak of AIDS)), we see that THE MIDDLE EAST HAS THE MOST OPPRESSED TRADITIONS TOWARDS HUMAN SEXUALITY (FGE Female Genital Excision in Egypt & much of Northern Africa, Homosexuality is illegal in Afghanistan Iran Saudi Arabia Yemen Oman Pakistan, Prostitution is illegal in Egypt, and Islam is listed as the most oppressive religion, against human sexuality, as per the "Penguin Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior" pg 73, with more sexual offenses listed on that page). IT IS OBVIOUS, THAT THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE MOST SEXUALLY OPPRESSED AREA OF THE WORLD, AND THAT IS WHERE ALL THE PROBLEMS ARE COMING FROM. It is not just a coincidence, it is the oppression of the basic human instincts that is creating the problems. THUS, RATHER THAN GLOSS OVER THE REAL ISSUE, IF WE WERE ABLE TO PROPAGANZIE THE MIDDLE EAST WITH IDEAS OF "SAFE SEX" AND "SEXUAL FREEDOM", perhaps we could get to the root of what is causing the problem.
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Airlift/Airdrop Playboy Magazines & Other Propaganda, as well as any TV or Radio propaganda which can reach the Middle East people, with suggestions towards SEXUAL FREEDOM & LIBERATION as well as SAFE SEX.
NOTE: Most religions tend to be oppressive of sex, on one level or another. In the long run, I think that reform of religions, coming to terms with world of Science (social & physical science), would be in the best interest of the People and Religions of the world. Certainly, the religions had good intent with their stands taken long ago on certain issues, but many of their rules are currently outdated and unreasonable. With reform, the worlds religions could be doing much more good for humanity, while still maintaining their various differences and cultures.
Just Trying to Help
Will Chris Holley
(hetero) Registered Republican (liberal)
147 IQ Genius, Honor Grad, Honor Society (& I have read Franklins "The Autobiography")
GOALS: World Peace, Clean Safe Water, Personal Freedom & Equality for All, Health, etc.....

Will Chris Holley
147 IQ Genius
AAS Electronics; BAS AMT; AS CIM; AA Fine Arts Music
Registered Voter, Volunteer Worker
Сообщения: 255
Зарегистрирован: 19 мар 2003, 13:31

Re: Письмо Вильяма Кристофера Холли Джорджу Дабъя Бушу.

Сообщение ilid »

Циник писал(а):Certainly, the religions had good intent with their stands taken long ago on certain issues, but many of their rules are currently outdated and unreasonable. With reform, the worlds religions could be doing much more good for humanity, while still maintaining their various differences and cultures.
Полностью согласен с товарищем, мощно задвинуто, абсолютно совпало с личными настроениями.