Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Вопросы международной политики.
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Mr. Minority Report
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Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2005, 16:33
Откуда: Moscow - Richmond - New Wesт - Burnaby

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Stanislav »

george писал(а):
Hoff писал(а):Если бы ССГ была заинтересована, то приняла бы предложение от России в помощи о расследовании.
+100500! Я вообще считаю, что следаки должны всегда привлекать преступников к расследованию их преступлений!
Джордж, вы же помните, что преступником может назвать только суд.
Ну и еще Джордж, которому похрену законность и юриспруденция. :D
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Сообщения: 14127
Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2003, 12:48
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Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение george »

Stanislav писал(а):
george писал(а):
Hoff писал(а):Если бы ССГ была заинтересована, то приняла бы предложение от России в помощи о расследовании.
+100500! Я вообще считаю, что следаки должны всегда привлекать преступников к расследованию их преступлений!
Джордж, вы же помните, что преступником может назвать только суд.
Ну и еще Джордж, которому похрену законность и юриспруденция. :D
Педерег! Ну ОК, подозреваемых, если сударю так угодно.
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дядя Вова
Сообщения: 5587
Зарегистрирован: 09 июн 2005, 15:09
Откуда: Батуми-Одесса

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение дядя Вова » ... nt=6603890
Украинский политолог Владимир Корнилов обнаружил на просторах интернета интересный твит, который был опубликован в Сети несколько месяцев назад — в двадцатых числах января. Правда, западные СМИ и издания не захотели его замечать или же действительно упустили из вида. Нежелание иностранных СМИ отражать эту новость наводит на мысль, что в твите содержится сенсационная информация, крайне невыгодная для многих.

Опубликованный твит принадлежит голландскому депутату Питеру Омтзихту. Он написал его прямо из зала, в котором обсуждали ход расследования крушения Боинга-777 в воздушном пространстве Украины над территорией Донбасса.

Супервайзер секретной службы подтверждает, что только Украина имела работающие системы «Бук» в Восточной Украине 17 июля. Это официальные итоги нашумевшего расследования.

Харм Брауэр, глава специальной комиссии, осуществляющей надзор за спецслужбами и обороной, выступал в нидерландском парламенте 22 января. Во время своего выступления он предоставил парламентариям данные комиссии, в соответствии с которыми в день уничтожения Боинга кроме украинских БУКов сбить пассажирский авиалайнер в районе его крушения было просто некому.
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Сообщения: 14497
Зарегистрирован: 02 июн 2012, 15:41
Откуда: Графство O'Mан
Контактная информация:

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение LeoV »

дядя Вова писал(а): ... nt=6603890
Украинский политолог Владимир Корнилов обнаружил на просторах интернета интересный твит, который был опубликован в Сети несколько месяцев назад — в двадцатых числах января. Правда, западные СМИ и издания не захотели его замечать или же действительно упустили из вида. Нежелание иностранных СМИ отражать эту новость наводит на мысль, что в твите содержится сенсационная информация, крайне невыгодная для многих.

Опубликованный твит принадлежит голландскому депутату Питеру Омтзихту. Он написал его прямо из зала, в котором обсуждали ход расследования крушения Боинга-777 в воздушном пространстве Украины над территорией Донбасса.

Супервайзер секретной службы подтверждает, что только Украина имела работающие системы «Бук» в Восточной Украине 17 июля. Это официальные итоги нашумевшего расследования.

Харм Брауэр, глава специальной комиссии, осуществляющей надзор за спецслужбами и обороной, выступал в нидерландском парламенте 22 января. Во время своего выступления он предоставил парламентариям данные комиссии, в соответствии с которыми в день уничтожения Боинга кроме украинских БУКов сбить пассажирский авиалайнер в районе его крушения было просто некому.
а твит-то где?

О, нашел. Hовость 2-х летней давности:

Амстердам, 11 февраля 2016, 21:17 — REGNUM

Дядя Вова, оно тебе надо?
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Проф. Преображенский
Сообщения: 20276
Зарегистрирован: 08 ноя 2006, 11:10

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Проф. Преображенский »

дядя Вова писал(а): ... nt=6603890
Украинский политолог Владимир Корнилов обнаружил на просторах интернета интересный твит, который был опубликован в Сети несколько месяцев назад — в двадцатых числах января. Правда, западные СМИ и издания не захотели его замечать или же действительно упустили из вида. Нежелание иностранных СМИ отражать эту новость наводит на мысль, что в твите содержится сенсационная информация, крайне невыгодная для многих.

Опубликованный твит принадлежит голландскому депутату Питеру Омтзихту. Он написал его прямо из зала, в котором обсуждали ход расследования крушения Боинга-777 в воздушном пространстве Украины над территорией Донбасса.

Супервайзер секретной службы подтверждает, что только Украина имела работающие системы «Бук» в Восточной Украине 17 июля. Это официальные итоги нашумевшего расследования.

Харм Брауэр, глава специальной комиссии, осуществляющей надзор за спецслужбами и обороной, выступал в нидерландском парламенте 22 января. Во время своего выступления он предоставил парламентариям данные комиссии, в соответствии с которыми в день уничтожения Боинга кроме украинских БУКов сбить пассажирский авиалайнер в районе его крушения было просто некому.
Ну да, конечно. Это украинцы сбивали свои транспортники с недосягаемых ПЗРК высот. Коварные! Они просто готовились сбить боинг! :s2:
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Зарегистрирован: 18 апр 2007, 11:33

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Gadi »

LeoV писал(а):
дядя Вова писал(а):Hовость 2-х летней давности:
Дядя Вова, оно тебе надо?
я же писал, что есть посвежее
Gadi писал(а): однако, лирику в сторону

Австралия и Нидерланды признали итоги расследования крушения "Боинга" над Донбассом
Москва. 27 сентября. INTERFAX.RU - Министр иностранных дел Австралии Марис Пэйн обвинила Россию в том, что она не хочет признавать результаты проведенного Совместной следственной группой (ССГ) расследования причин крушения малайзийского "Боинга" над восточной Украиной в июле 2014 года.

"Я подтверждаю нашу безусловную поддержку независимого расследования, проводимого ССГ. Мы выражаем сожаление, что Россия не принимает фактические свидетельства, приведенные ССГ на сегодняшний день, и вновь заявляем, что Австралия полностью доверяет беспристрастности, независимости и профессионализму ССГ и ее выводам", - заявила она после встречи и обсуждения вопроса с главами МИД Нидерландов, Украины, Малайзии и Бельгии. Эти страны входят в ССГ.

Пэйн отметила, что "коллеги по ССГ ... подтвердили обязательства по установлению правды о том, кто стоит за сбитым рейсом МН17 и привлечению виновных к ответственности".

С аналогичным заявлением выступил премьер-министр Нидерландов Марк Рютте.

Он в ходе общеполитической дискуссии на сессии Генассамблеи ООН сказал, что ССГ "привела убедительные свидетельства" по поводу того, кому принадлежала установка, ракетой которой был сбит авиалайнер, и подчеркнул решимость заинтересованных сторон в том, чтобы установить правду о трагедии.
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Сообщения: 14127
Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2003, 12:48
Откуда: M2R

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение george »

А дяде Вове уже обяснили, что кенгуру - это не в Австрии, а в Австралии?
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Сообщения: 3119
Зарегистрирован: 29 сен 2007, 14:38
Откуда: Coquitlam

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение peterburjenka »

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Сообщения: 2868
Зарегистрирован: 08 ноя 2005, 09:22
Откуда: Lulu Island

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Hoff »

Ну почему тогда русские хакеры не вклинились в процесс президентских выборов, в результате которых был выбран Порошенко? Уж если Трампа "протолкнули", то на Украине должно было быть ещё проще ...
Ну давайте, выдвигайте версии.Изображение
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Сообщения: 14497
Зарегистрирован: 02 июн 2012, 15:41
Откуда: Графство O'Mан
Контактная информация:

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение LeoV »

Гусар в отставке писал(а):
pin писал(а):Насколько мне известно, документов на этот счёт не существует. И как надо было поступить с практически всеми бывшими друзьями из стран Восточной Европы (стран-участников Варшавского Договора), что дружно побежали/попросились в НАТО? Или они, став независимыми от ослабeвшего Большого Брата, прав на это не имели?
Вам знакомо понятие "вербальный контракт" (по-басурмански -- verbal contract) или где?

Если не знакомо, то рекомендую в этом разобраться. В америках-канадах это понятие используют часто. Например, если вам потенциальный работодатель устно посулил хорошо оплачиваемую должность и затем сдал назад после того, как вы уже успели оставить свою текущую работу, то у вас есть хорошие перспективы по суду получить немалую компенсацию. Дело лишь за мелочью -- нужно в суде доказать, что устное предложение было действительно сделано. У меня был подобный случай в 2007 году, когда я получил джоб-оффер по телефону, записанный на автоответчик. Через несколько дней этот оффер был отозван работодателем. И если бы я успел между этими событиями расплеваться со своим боссом, написать заявление об уходе и уволиться, то аудиозапись на автоответчике стала бы достаточным основанием, чтобы я решением суда получил компенсацию.

А теперь вернёмся к нашим баранам. Горбачёву в конце его карьеры Запад предложил вербальный контракт о нерасширении НАТО на Восток, который этот самый Запад потом нарушил. Есть живые свидетели. Но нет суда, который мог бы рассмотреть иск о нарушении условий этого контракта. В любом случае вина за начало новой холодной войны лежит на Западе.

И ещё о том, что "документов на этот счёт не существует".

Между Украиной и Кремлём (так назовём эту сторону) существовало несколько вербальных контрактов. Самый большой и важный из них -- вербальный контракт 1922 года, когда Украине отдали Новороссию в обмен на устное обещание её руководителей вечной лояльности Кремлю. В 1954 году Кремль, веря этому обещанию, передал Украине Крым, рассчитывая на продолжение вечной дружбы старшего брата с младшим. А сейчас мы видим, что эти контракты были Украиной грубо нарушены.

Что мы сейчас имеем на Востоке Украины? По версии Киева -- государство-агрессор. По моей версии пусть будет так. Но добавим к этому раскладу государство-предатель. Так будет справедливо. Государство-агрессор, подобно обманутому таксисту, которому пассажир отказался заплатить, взяло в руки монтировку и стало объяснять государству-предателю, что такое вербальный контракт.
А вот интересно, почему котракт -- вербальный, а понос -- словесный?

PS микеям просьба не беспокоиться...
Аватара пользователя
дядя Вова
Сообщения: 5587
Зарегистрирован: 09 июн 2005, 15:09
Откуда: Батуми-Одесса

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение дядя Вова »

The Evidence In The MH17 Case Doesn’t Point To Russia Or Ukraine ... or-ukraine
by William Craddick
Mon, 04/29/2019 - 13:41

The MH17 case shocked the world as it happened and caused an escalation of the war in Ukraine. Although many accusations have been leveled over responsibility for the tragedy, the panel investigating the incident continues to search for the identities of the perpetrators. However, all focus has centered around the culprits being either Ukrainian or Russian, both of whom did not have incentive to further aggravate the Ukrainian conflict.

An examination of the facts, the connections of various state and non-state actors pushing disinformation about MH17 along with knowledge about historical intelligence playbooks and foreign mercenary involvement in Ukraine would in fact suggest that the party responsible for shooting the aircraft down may have been a team with ties to transatlantic American groups allied with certain Western European interests.

I. Investigation Results

In 2014, the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) published its initial findings as part of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) seeking to determine who was at fault for the attack on MH17. These findings established that a BUK 9M38-series missile was fired at MH17 and that the missile was shot from somewhere inside east Ukraine in an area where control was contested by government and rebel forces. At the same time, BUK missile producer Almaz-Antey gave a press conference where they stated that based on the shape of the shrapnel particles which hit MH17, the missile prototype was last produced by the Soviet Union in 1986. Since the missiles have a life span of 25 years, they were decommissioned by the Russian Army in 2011.

In 2016, Stratfor released analysis of satellite imagery from DigitalGlobe that they claimed showed the missile launcher which fired the BUK at MH17. As Disobedient Media has previously reported, DigitalGlobe is an American vendor of satellite imagery founded by a scientist who worked on the US military’s Star Wars ICBM defense program under President Ronald Reagan. DigitalGlobe began its existence in Oakland, CA and was seeded with money from Silicon Valley sources and corporations in North America, Europe and Japan. Headquartered in Westminster CO, DigitalGlobe works extensively with defense and intelligence programs. In 2016, it was revealed that DigitalGlobe was working with CIA chipmaker NVIDIA and Amazon Web Services to create an AI-run satellite surveillance network known as Spacenet. Their photos have repeatedly been used in propaganda attempts to undermine negotiations between North Korea and the United States.

In May 2018, the JIT gave an update on their investigation where they "presumed" that the BUK missile which was used against MH17 came from the Russian 53rd Anti Aircraft Missile brigade. This presumption appears to be a rehash of claims made by "independent" investigative organization Bellingcat in 2014. Nonetheless, investigators left open the possibility that the missile had been fired by another party.

In September 2018, the Russian military gave a press conference where they said the missile that shot down MH17 came from a Ukrainian army arsenal. This belief was based on a study of military archives after the JIT had made the serial number of the missile public. The JIT responded that they would need Russia to submit information supporting their claims, despite the fact that Dutch investigators could have also reached out to Ukrainian authorities in an attempt to verify whether or not the serial number was in fact from a missile part transferred during the Soviet era.

II. Nation-State Narrative Pushing

In the aftermath of the JIT's 2018 update, the governments of the Netherlands and Australia issued a statement blaming Russia for the incident. They were supported by Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who echoed a previous British intelligence report claiming without evidence that they also knew the Russian military "supplied and subsequently recovered" the missile launcher. This manner of nation-state propaganda has pervaded the investigation process since MH17 went down in 2014 and does not match the assertions of the JIT, who have consistently left open the possibility that a party other than Russia was responsible.

It is little surprise to see the Netherlands working in lockstep with the United Kingdom and Australia, who are both members of the UKUSA Agreement popularly known as Five Eyes (FVEY). The UK in particular has been shown to have been involved with operations alongside the Netherlands. Both the British and Dutch governments have been tied to Cheollima Civil Defense, who sought a coup in North Korea before they were targeted by American law enforcement. Integrity Initiative, an organization supported financially by UK intelligence and the Foreign Office, also maintained a Netherlands cluster. Members of this cluster include Yevhen Fedchenko, the Ukrainian co-founder and chief editor of and multiple members of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), an "independent" think tank that works with the Dutch Ministries of Security and Justice, Foreign Affairs and Defense as well as NATO. British intelligence assets have also been exposed among the staff of the Voice of Europe, a right wing publication located in the Netherlands.

Interestingly, Malaysia, whose aircraft was shot down, has said that there is no conclusive evidence showing that Russia was responsible for downing MH17. The US State Department additionally declined to issue a statement they had prepared in 2018 criticizing Russia's alleged role in the event.

III. Intent

In criminal law, establishing intent to commit the crime in question is often an essential element to convicting a guilty party . In the case of MH17, neither Russia or Ukraine had an incentive to shoot down the airliner. The event dashed any immediate hopes of a "Novorussia" state or an early end to the Ukrainian war. It similarly created a disadvantage to Ukraine, who has lost thousands of their own citizens in the conflict due to its failure to conclude quickly. Neither country has a good cause to continue fighting for as long as they have. The MH17 tragedy ensured that both countries would remain mired in a struggle.

Both parties mutually denied involvement in the attack. Russia's kneejerk reaction was to incorrectly claim a Ukrainian jet was responsible, likely because of accusations that air-to-air missiles had brought down Ukrainian military aircraft in recent days. The Russian information warfare strategy did not take into account that Western media and certain Ukrainian officials were already blaming a BUK launcher as the cause for the attack. This kind of confusion and failure to prepare narratives is a sign that Russian officials did not anticipate the incident beforehand.

Europeans and American factions who support initiatives such as the European Union and NATO do have such a cause. Confrontation between Ukraine and Russia serves not only as a distraction to Russia, but pushes Ukraine into the arms of Western interests.

IV. British Intelligence Propaganda Efforts

The pervasive involvement of British intelligence propaganda operations surrounding the MH17 incident further indicates that European and allied American groups are using the incident to stoke the Ukrainian conflict. British website Bellingcat was founded after the downing of MH17 and immediately began to focus on providing "evidence" they hoped would be of value to investigators. It would appear that their efforts have been met with success after the JIT appeared to lend credence to some of their claims that the BUK missile used against MH17 came from the Russian military.

Leaks from 2018 have established, however, that Bellingcat is a propaganda operation with ties to organizations funded by British intelligence. Documents from the Integrity Initiative list both Bellingcat and the Atlantic Council, a think tank known for engaging in pay-to-play behavior with foreign donors, as "partner organizations."

Screenshot from a leaked Integrity Initiative document labeling Bellingcat as a "partner organization."
Bellingcat author Dan Kaszeta, who was involved with narrative formation surrounding the Skripal assassination attempt, was forced to issue an unconvincing denial that he worked for British intelligence after it emerged that he also wrote for Integrity Initiative. Integrity Initiative's now-censored website itself featured a page dedicated to combatting what they branded as "disinformation" surrounding MH17.

In addition to spreading propaganda in Europe, Bellingcat also runs operations targeting other locations as well. Canada-based Venezuelan anti-government blog In Venezuela is run by a Bellingcat member. The organization has also promoted Bana Alabed, a Syrian girl who supposedly worked with her English-speaking mother in Aleppo to send out perfectly worded tweets requesting NATO intervention in Syria during the siege of the city by government forces.

Bana Alabed promotes Bellingcat.
The pervasive involvement of the Integrity Initiative-connected Bellingcat in pushing pro-British propaganda into the MH17 investigation process provides a strong indication that official narratives about the tragedy are inaccurate.

V. Clues To Identity Of Perpetrators

If neither Ukrainian or Russian forces were responsible for the downing of MH17, who else could be?

Creating false attribution during military attacks is a very old tactic. The Gleiwitz incident at the start of Work War Two and the Gulf of Tonkin are two historical examples of occasions where false attribution occurred for political purposes. In the 1960's, the United States looked seriously at staging incidents of harassment or outright attacks against civilian airliners as part of Operation Northwoods. The attacks would be falsely attributed to the Cuban government by using procured MiG fighters or creating replicas that would fool observers. Internal documents from the CIA show a number of configurations that would withstand varying degrees of scrutiny were being considered.

Interestingly, the JIT used a US-made missile in tests meant to model the impact to MH17. BUK producer Almaz-Antey claimed that this meant the missile differed from their version in crucial features such as flight path.

There is also evidence that American mercenaries were on the ground in parts of eastern Ukraine that were held by rebel forces as fighting intensified in the months leading up to the MH17 crash. In March 2014, Bild am Sonntag cited German government sources who claimed that over 400 American mercenaries working for Academi affiliate Greystone were operating in Ukraine. The article was sparked by videos which had recently emerged online showing armed men said to be Americans on the streets on Donetsk, Ukraine. Academi issued a statement denying that any of their direct employees were in Ukraine but did not comment on the nature of their relationship to Greystone.

Video still shows soldiers said to be Americans on the ground in Donetsk, Ukraine in March 2014.
On May 4, 2014, Bild am Sonntag claimed that CIA and FBI agents were in Kiev to "advise" the Ukrainian government, citing unnamed German security sources. The next day, The Independent noted that locals in east Ukraine believed British or US forces might be active in the region after discovering items such as a British military jacket along with American rations and ammunition casings.

The evidence that Western mercenaries were present in Ukraine during the months leading up to the downing of MH17 should not be discounted and merits serious examination by investigators. Russian mercenaries have created headaches for their home nation in locations such as Syria due to potentially taking contracts for private clients while deployed in conflict zones. The involvement of Americans in Ukraine similarly raises questions about whether or not their services could have been exploited to aggravate an already contentious conflict that did not benefit either Ukraine or Russia.

Given the heavy involvement of British intelligence in narrative formation surrounding MH17 and clear attempts to induce the JIT to adopt the research of intelligence-connected investigative groups one must ask if the international panel investigating the case is missing the bigger picture by focusing on Ukraine and Russia alone. The evidence in fact points to a far different reality than the one presented by the international media. Will the JIT seek true justice? Or will they give the world easy and expected answers to their questions about MH17?
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дядя Вова
Сообщения: 5587
Зарегистрирован: 09 июн 2005, 15:09
Откуда: Батуми-Одесса

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение дядя Вова » ... h-of-mh17/
[MOSCOW – May 8, 2019 @ 18:30 – Russian Foreign Ministry, representative Maria Zakharova as explicitly stated that the authorities of the Netherlands do not want to disclose important information about the crash of the Malaysian passenger Boeing flight MH17, in order to shield Kiev authorities from responsibility and place all the blame on Russia. This was announced today, May 8, by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“The persistent reluctance to publicize official correspondence suggests the desire of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to conceal the most important information that could shed a different light on the plane crash, and the intention to shieldd the Ukrainian authorities from responsibility and by all means put all the blame on Russia”, stressed the diplomat.

Even some Dutch deputies have reasonable doubts that Kiev could not be unaware that “the non-closure of the airspace over the combat zone poses a threat to the security of civil aviation,” the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Boeing 777−200ER of the Malaysian Airlines company, performing the flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed on July 17, 2014 near the village of Grabovo near Donetsk. 298 people died – citizens of 10 states. Despite active hostilities on the ground, Kiev did not close the Donbass sky for international passenger flights. To investigate the catastrophe, a Joint Investigation Team was established, which includes representatives from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. On May 24th, experts published an interim report, stating in it that the anti-aircraft missile launcher from which the missile that shot down Boeing was launched could have been imported from Russia and belonged to the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade near Kursk. The Russian Defense Ministry said that not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Armed Forces has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border.

FRN has determined based on years of covering this story, that MH17 was shot out of the sky by a Ukrainian fighter jet on the fateful day in July, 2014.

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Joaquin Flores 1501 Posts 0 Comments

Joaquin Flores is Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations, he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California. Flores has twenty years experience in community, labor, and anti-war organizing. Flores has appeared regularly on Iran’s ‘PressTV’ and Russia’s ‘RT’ news to share his expert opinion and analysis on current geopolitical matters. As a Thought Leader, he has spoken publicly internationally at numerous forums, published in over 10 languages, his conceptual and ideological frameworks, approaches to branding and aesthetics have influenced others in his field.


Russian Congressman warns that U.S is preparing for WAR against Iran


MAJOR: Putin begins next phase of fight with Russian Oligarchy – Federal Anti-monopoly Service and FSB go into action

“Mama, are they robots?” The children of Donbass under artillery and…

Russia to continue recognizing Donbass residents as Russian Citizens

BREAKING: Ukrainian Army opens fire on Donbass water treatment plant workers

Russia SLAMS Ukrainian Politician’s OVERT Nazi call for ethnic cleansing of…




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Symposium on Cultural Optimism, Art and the New Silk Road…

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Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Groundhog »

дядя Вова писал(а): ... h-of-mh17/
[MOSCOW – May 8, 2019 @ 18:30 – Russian Foreign Ministry, representative Maria Zakharova as explicitly stated that the authorities of the Netherlands do not want to disclose important information about the crash of the Malaysian passenger Boeing flight MH17, in order to shield Kiev authorities from responsibility and place all the blame on Russia. This was announced today, May 8, by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“The persistent reluctance to publicize official correspondence suggests the desire of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to conceal the most important information that could shed a different light on the plane crash, and the intention to shieldd the Ukrainian authorities from responsibility and by all means put all the blame on Russia”, stressed the diplomat.

Even some Dutch deputies have reasonable doubts that Kiev could not be unaware that “the non-closure of the airspace over the combat zone poses a threat to the security of civil aviation,” the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Boeing 777−200ER of the Malaysian Airlines company, performing the flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed on July 17, 2014 near the village of Grabovo near Donetsk. 298 people died – citizens of 10 states. Despite active hostilities on the ground, Kiev did not close the Donbass sky for international passenger flights. To investigate the catastrophe, a Joint Investigation Team was established, which includes representatives from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. On May 24th, experts published an interim report, stating in it that the anti-aircraft missile launcher from which the missile that shot down Boeing was launched could have been imported from Russia and belonged to the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade near Kursk. The Russian Defense Ministry said that not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Armed Forces has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border.

FRN has determined based on years of covering this story, that MH17 was shot out of the sky by a Ukrainian fighter jet on the fateful day in July, 2014.

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Joaquin Flores 1501 Posts 0 Comments

Joaquin Flores is Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations, he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California. Flores has twenty years experience in community, labor, and anti-war organizing. Flores has appeared regularly on Iran’s ‘PressTV’ and Russia’s ‘RT’ news to share his expert opinion and analysis on current geopolitical matters. As a Thought Leader, he has spoken publicly internationally at numerous forums, published in over 10 languages, his conceptual and ideological frameworks, approaches to branding and aesthetics have influenced others in his field.


Russian Congressman warns that U.S is preparing for WAR against Iran


MAJOR: Putin begins next phase of fight with Russian Oligarchy – Federal Anti-monopoly Service and FSB go into action

“Mama, are they robots?” The children of Donbass under artillery and…

Russia to continue recognizing Donbass residents as Russian Citizens

BREAKING: Ukrainian Army opens fire on Donbass water treatment plant workers

Russia SLAMS Ukrainian Politician’s OVERT Nazi call for ethnic cleansing of…




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Symposium on Cultural Optimism, Art and the New Silk Road…

Putin’s Influence? Trump blames Bolton for Venezuelan…

Second Albanian soldier dies in NATO drills –…

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Symposium on Cultural Optimism, Art and the New Silk Road…

Foreign Policy Magazine and The Famous Nigerian Internet…

RACE WAR AND POVERTY: Why do White African farmers want to…

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Что Россия уже признала свою вину в уничтожении Боинга? И Захарова настаивает что Украина тоже ответственна за трагедию?
Напоминает мне случай в деревне в России когда насильник возмущался на суде почему родителей изнасилованной не сажают - отпустили
девушку в клуб вечером, да еще оделась она соблазнилельно чтобы кавалеров привлечь. Вот и здесь подстилка Захарова пеняет Украине
почему воздушное пространство не закрыла.
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Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение levak »

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Joaquin Flores 1501 Posts 0 Comments
Joaquin Flores is Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations, he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California. Flores has twenty years experience in community, labor, and anti-war organizing. Flores has appeared regularly on Iran’s ‘PressTV’ and Russia’s ‘RT’ news to share his expert opinion and analysis on current geopolitical matters. As a Thought Leader, he has spoken publicly internationally at numerous forums, published in over 10 languages, his conceptual and ideological frameworks, approaches to branding and aesthetics have influenced others in his field.
Russian Congressman warns that U.S is preparing for WAR against Iran
MAJOR: Putin begins next phase of fight with Russian Oligarchy – Federal Anti-monopoly Service and FSB go into action
“Mama, are they robots?” The children of Donbass under artillery and…
Russia to continue recognizing Donbass residents as Russian Citizens
BREAKING: Ukrainian Army opens fire on Donbass water treatment plant workers
Russia SLAMS Ukrainian Politician’s OVERT Nazi call for ethnic cleansing of…
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Symposium on Cultural Optimism, Art and the New Silk Road…
Putin’s Influence? Trump blames Bolton for Venezuelan…
Second Albanian soldier dies in NATO drills –…
The FRN Daily News Brief 2019-05-09
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WATCH OUT USA – New missiles will make Chinese…
Powerful S-500 – See why Washington FEARS it
Russia’s new ‘INVISIBLE WEAPON’ will make…
MOSCOW: Su-57 jets available for Turkey if the US backs out…
Foreign Policy Magazine and The Famous Nigerian Internet…
The Coming Revolutions in Science Driven by the…
Iran-Contra, MK-Ultra, the CIA Drug-Hustle & Chip…
Imperialism in the Raw: Pence openly embraces disgraced…
The Belt and Road Initiative Gives Life to Russia’s Trans…
Commemorating Evita’s Centennial – A Life…
Russiagate Lives! Clinton Controls DNC Candidates for 2020…
Symposium on Cultural Optimism, Art and the New Silk Road…
Foreign Policy Magazine and The Famous Nigerian Internet…
RACE WAR AND POVERTY: Why do White African farmers want to…
Breaking: Russia to open military base in Africa
© Center for Syncretic Studies 2014 - 2019 - Fort Russ. All Rights Reserved. Website Design: Epic Consulting
Сообщения: 12943
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2006, 19:58

Re: Malaysian passenger plane shot down over east Ukraine - 3

Сообщение Биркин » ... down-mh17/
TOKYO: The Malaysian government wants strong evidence to show that Russia is responsible for the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 tragedy in 2014, said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today.

He said Malaysia accepted the investigation report of Holland but only up to the point where the plane was brought down by a missile made by Russia.

Mahathir said while the government agreed that the plane was brought down by a Russian missile, it cannot be certain that the missile was launched by Russia.
Интересно девки пляшут. Т.е. практически все что было раньше (комиссия, Беллинкет, Иван Иванычи, фейсбук с Гиркиным итд) для малайзийского премьер министра не является доказательствами вины России. Ракета да, он согласен с комиссией - ее сделали в России, на эту тему даже был брифинг Минобороны с документами 80-х годов. Но по всему остальному малайзиец почему-то требует доказательств. Хмм...