Personality Quiz: To Which British Era Do You Belong?

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Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2006, 08:34

Personality Quiz: To Which British Era Do You Belong?

Сообщение Victoria »

When looking back over the history of humanity (or just the history of Britain), we have our favorite eras. To be a fly on the wall in Chaucer‘s time, to hear him tell “The Miller’s Tale” to an audience with no clue of the astonishments to come, would be a heck of a thing. But so would strolling in Georgian London or attending Shakespeare‘s (actual) Globe Theatre.

There are simply too many options open to the would-be time traveler, so this quiz aims to match you with your perfect era. Then you can set the controls of your personal TARDIS/Delorean and get back to where you once belonged. ... ou-belong/

Your result: Congratulations! You belong in the Wartime era.

Yours is a world of recycling and making do. You buy nothing you haven't saved your pennies for and every scrap of food you buy is either eaten or composted or mushed into pigswill. This does not mean you're a bore; in fact you're at the heart of a community that looks out for each other and knows how to throw a party, providing it is safe and appropriate to do so. You're very keen on seizing the moment, and grab every opportunity that comes your way as if you simply do not know what is around the next corner.

This can mean you find yourself in surprising situations without a clear exit strategy from time to time, but that's a necessary by-product of your no-nonsense attitude to everything life has to offer. "Who knows if it'll all be here tomorrow? So let's jive the night away," could be your personal motto, if it wasn't already "loose lips sink ships."
